Dear daughter,
Nowadays, every night, I go to sleep thinking about your smile. I eagerly look forward for the next day morning because I could see my Anisha smile. Your smile is divine, your smile is bewitching, your smile is enchanting. What a gorgeous smile you have ! Do all children smile so beautifully or is it just my daughter ?
You started smiling at the age of one and half months. From then on, the frequency of your smiles steadily increased. Now, at 3 months, you smile more frequently during early mornings. You wake me up at around 6 AM with your constant body movements. I look at you and try to bring joy to my face. You have an inherent joy and happiness which I don't have, unfortunately ! I think, as humans age, they accumulate lots of emotional baggage. That takes away their ability to be joyful for no reason. I forcefully bring a smile to my face and look at you. I greet you like this, "Hi Anisha kutty (meaning, little one), Good Morning". You look into my eyes and give me a very bright smile in return. Then, whatever sweet nothings I tell you, I receive a smile in return, a smile which is non-ending. Oh, how happy it is to wake up to a face which gives nothing but smiles and hence immense happiness ! Why don't adults smile like this ? Because of you my dear, I am learning to smile again. I have no more grumpy mornings. I don't want you to look at my face and wonder whether I am happy with you or not. I don't want you give you an impression that this world is a sad place to live in. So, nowadays, I wear a smile always and my face is becoming beautiful as a result, atleast I believe so !
The best part of your smile is, your eyes smile too. Not everyone has such a soulful smile. Your tiny eyes ooze out so much love, warmth and compassion when you smile. Whenever I look at that smile, I melt, melt and melt!
After you came into my life, I smile a lot, I hug and kiss a lot, I also talk a lot of sweet nothings ! It keeps me blissful.
Thanks little one for all the goodness you have brought to my life ! Keep smiling always; let your smile spread joy and happiness in this world !