Monday, 14 March 2016

A walk in the sun

Dear Anisha ,
Today , the sun is shining bright. You wanted to go out and roam in the garden. Nowadays , you love spending time outdoors. So , we went out. Although it's bright , it is still cold. So I dressed you in appropriate clothes. You roamed for sometime in the garden. Then you wanted to go outside the fence. I was little hesitant , yet I took you. I didn't want to stand in the way of your curiosity , I didn't want to disappoint you. You explored the neighborhood. You were watching all the leaves , flowers, and some strange fruits , on the way. Whenever you got a chance , you felt them with your hands. You were walking , walking and walking ,  non-stop - I became tired ! When the footpath was not so easy to walk , when there were dangerous ups and downs , you preferred to hold my hands. Otherwise , you didn't want to hold me , I was not allowed to hold you , too. If I held you against your wish , you showed your disapproval with a grunt , you pushed away my hands. I was so proud of you , Anisha. I loved the way you wanted to be independent. I was walking behind you , trying to safe guard you from anything which might hurt you , and I loved my job. I was so happy that I was walking with my daughter , I have dreamed of such a happening many a time before - you and I taking a stroll , enjoying nature , I ,  teaching you about the plants and animals we encounter - just like my dad did for me ! I can't wait for the spring to start , I can't wait for the summer. I have promised you that I will take you out every single day when the weather is just right - to explore Randersacker , to enjoy nature , to show you many new things which you have never seen before.  I feel so grateful , thankful , for your presence. Love you kuttima !

And after 40 minutes , when I took you home , you threw a big tantrum. You cried hard insisting that you must go out. I need to forcefully take you in :) 

The below picture is not taken today , but very recently , when you were busy exploring outdoors.

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