Thursday 29 June 2017

Two years and five months ....

You are still happily breastfeeding :) So proud of myself ! Didn't want to lie , nowadays , I get angry at times , when you want to cling to my breasts. I have seen this with cats. After the little ones become a little bigger , and try to breastfeed , the mom cat gets very angry and tries to shoo away the young ones. The little ones will try to use every chance to cling to the breast. That's how we are nowadays. But I am still happy that breastmilk is great for you and gives you many goodies. So , two and half years and counting ....

Saturday 24 June 2017

You have gone out !

First time , in two and half years , you have gone to someone else's home without us. I and your dad are wondering what to do ! TV is running. I know your dad's mind is on you and so is mine. We thought you will cry and would come back immediately. No , it didn't happen. It's almost 20 mins now. The people who ' kidnapped 'you are a group of two boys and a girl. They are all engineering professionals. We already know a person in that group and he introduced two other people who live near our home. Actually , we could see their home from our balcony. As usual , when they are leaving , you don't want they go. So the girl said , "I will take her home. If she cries , I will bring her back ". I was so hesitant. I wouldn't have sent you if they are all men , definitely not. Now , I am sitting here and wondering how you are ! As I am typing this , I hear you cry :). You saw your dad from the balcony and want to come back :) Today morning , you held me tight and said , " Manju , I like you ". It felt so good to hear that in half-sleep. I love you too , Anisha , more than you would ever know. You will be back in minutes and my heart is jumping with joy. You haven't gone to kindergarten after that two weeks in February ! What happened ? Will write.

Thursday 22 June 2017


The little one in the picture is Satyajith , your friend. We meet Sathya at least once a week. You love Sathya so much. He loves you very much too. If you don't meet each other at least once a week , I and his mom will be in trouble because you both will pester us. Once Sathya came , we went to receive his mom and Sathya in bus stop. As the bus approached , I told you that Sathya is coming in that bus. You were screaming in joy. Everyone was looking at you. As Sathya came out , you both were walking towards each other , and embraced each other in a warm hug. It was so beautiful , so natural , that moment will always be etched in my mind. Everyone there was smiling and looking at both of you. Sathya is one month elder than you. If you both fight , it will be horrible , too. Most probably , the fight is to take possession of a toy car or a ball. I am so happy you have a friend to play. When I see you both together , I feel as if I am seeing my twins :)

Lots to write. Need to register many things. I must.

Love ❤

Below you have a copy of the letter Einstein wrote to his daughter Lieserl:
Not many people understood me when I first came up with the theory of relativity. In this letter I will reveal something to you that you must transmit to all mankind. Beware, the message in this letter will collide with the popular prejudice and misunderstandings of our time.
I must ask of you to guard these letters and their message as long as you deem necessary. Years or even decades until you see society is ready to listen and accept what I am about to share with you. There is a force so extremely power, that science has still not found a way to explain it.
It is a power that engulfs and governs all other powers. I believe it is also in charge of all phenomena in the Universe, many of which we have not seen or explained yet. This universal force is LOVE.
cientists have not considered love in their efforts to present a unified theory of the Universe. They’ve neglected it even though it is the most powerful invisible force out there. Love represents Light, for it enlightens those who give it and receive it. It is gravity, because it makes people attracted to one another.
Love is power that brings out and multiplies the best of all life. Love keeps humanity from annihilating itself in its blind narrow mindedness and selfishness. We live and die for it. Love is God, and God is Love.
Through this force we can explain everything and find meaning in our lives. We have ignored love for such a long time, perhaps because we are afraid of it. Perhaps we ignore it because we cannot control it and quantify it. Explain it with our numbers and reason.
I believe I have found a way to make love more visible, and it is through my famous formula E = MC2.
If instead of this equation, we accept that the energy for universal healing can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we come at the conclusion that love is limitless, therefore it is truly the most powerful force in the Universe.
Humanity has failed in its efforts to control the forces of the Universe, which have turned against us. In light of that, it is urgent that we heal and immerse ourselves in a different kind of energy…
For the purpose of our survival, and in our quest to find meaning to our existence we must ensure the survival of every living soul on Earth by turning to love. It is the only true answer and solution.
This force cannot be used through building a bomb of love, and use it to destroy all hate, greed and selfishness of our time. But never forget, each person has in them, a core made up of immense energy and love just waiting to be shared with the world.
When we learn to grow and master this force within ourselves, my dear Lieserl, we will realize the full power of love, and its ability to conquer all, transcend everything and anything, for it is the very essence of our existence.
I am forever sorry for not fully expressing the love I’ve always had for you in my heart. I realize I might be late with this apology, but please know I love you and it is thanks to you that I have reached the ultimate answer in life.”
Your father, 
Albert Einstein.
Anisha , the letter which Einstein wrote to his daughter is true word by word. I wish there comes a time in your life where you feel the full force of love - a love which shows a new , beautiful person who resides within you. A love which makes you feel strong and limitless. A love which brings out the best in you. A love which puts a beautiful smile in your face , always. A love which is not the expression of want and need but of love itself. Experiencing such a love will also show you who God is ! You must also read what I wrote about who God is :
I was not aware of Einstein's letter to his daughter when I wrote this :) I wrote this when I was drenched in love ❤ 